Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mount Kinabalu, here I come!

As the title says it - I, Nurulizza A.R., pemegang kad perpustakaan negeri Sabah bernombor GMK987654321, warga Sabah sejak lahir tapi ayah asal Kelantan, dengan ini mengumumkan, dengan bangga riak kembang hidung nya, bahawasanya

Saya akan mendaki Gunung Kinabalu!

Finally! heee. Asyik org cakap "ape nieh orang sabah tak pernah naik gunung Kinabalu!" ngaaa.. So. Iyea. Finally! heee~~!

hui tah gambar sape suke hati aku copy & edit heee maaf2! gurau2!

& its gonna be this weekend! this Thursday to be exact! ngaa... chuak wey! Urm. Tentatively, this is kinda like our itinery la:

Thurs. Upon arrival in KK at about 10am, terus shoot g Kundasang. Lunch. Terus start mendaki thru Timpohon gate, ikut route yg tangga tu aje ye. Expected about 5 6 7 hours walk up jugak, to Laban Rata. so confirm malam la sampai. then tido jap.

Friday. 2 or 3am kene bangun & start daki lagi dah. 5 or 6am sampai la puncak kot. Tengok sunset hee.. pastu turun lah terus ke bawah balik.. & shoot ke KK balik.. flat... kalo ade yg hebat boleh la g shopping2 ke mane2

Saturday. Pulau day! Amek speed boat to Pulau Manukan & Mamutik kot. Snorkeling etc. Petang balik la. Shopping2 kat philiphine market ke. & later at night, seafood bbq at my house! jempot jempot.

Sunday. Early morning jalan2 kat Gaya Street (tamu ahad). By 10am dah nak kene gerak g airport kot ngee... & back to KL!

Hope everything goes well la kan?

Wish me Luck peeps! Sangat mahu sampai ke puncak!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Mini Fireworks Competition in KL.

Sape punye kerja main bunga api semalam? Sejak tengah malam & berlarutan ber jam jam. Ade orang kate Chap Goh Mei. Yerke? Lagi cambest colleague I kata derang saje nak habiskan stock mercun CNY. I pun tak tau. I bukan racist oke. I celebrate CNY kot. But last night was just.. a bit too much koot.
I tutup laptop & I switched off the lights at about 12 midnight last night. Bila I off laptop & the music stops baru I kinda noticed the fireworks berdentam dentum outside la. Lantak la. I konfiden & tetap pendirian nak jugak tido. bo layan. But it seems the fireworks makin galak pulak.
Macam competition. Tapi fireworks cikai2 je la. Bukan la yg gerand (read english word grand) gempak bapak.
I grabbed my glasses & bukak tingkap tengok. Wa.. it was like the whole KL. No. Whole stretch from Gombak ni to entah-mana-geografi-fail-sket. Was lightened up with fireworks! Cantik tu cantik. But the booming sound was annoying la. Dah la duduk apartment murah tak sound proof kan. Sabar je la.
And it lasted for hours! Boleh tak? Agak mencarut carut jugak la. Tapi carut carut pun ambil camera jugak kan hahaha
sape punye kerje ni? mengakuuuuk!
oh bila eja 'mengaku' with the 'k' utk mengemphasize the emosi, tiba2 cam teringat bos I yg selalu maki org "mangkuk!" kt ofc haha

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

There! Ignored!

You see. I don't really understand why. Some people are so bothered to somewhat like 'collect' friends in their Facebook and/or Friendster.

You got lotsa friends = You're popular\


When I had a Friendster profile once upon a time ago, I wasn't choosy of who I add la. Ade je friend request accept aje. To the extent it reached 1000 & you can no longer add new friends. Sengal, terpaksa create profile baru. Now I find Friendster to be too fancy mancy menyakitkan mata.

Then I found Facebook. Looks decent. Until they came up with a bit TOO MUCH of the stupid gifts & questionnaires. Fine. Maybe I'm not much of a sport, fine. I'm not bothered by whos playing it anyway. Eh jap. Ape I membebel pasal ni pulak.

I wanted to rant about the some people who simply like to collect friends. Ade yg when I checked the person's profile when he requested friend request, 300+ friends & semua aweks je! From the seksi meksi to bertudung jangok2 punya (berdasarkn profile pic mereka la). Takde makne aku naik join collection gadis ko wey!

Guess what. I can safely say that, my list of ignored friends is more than that I've accepted.

2 hari I tak bukak Facebook & I got 10 friend requests. Which I ignored all due to tak kenal reasons. Tak faham. Kalau I letak gambar seksi yg bak buah dada nak terkeluar tu faham la jugak orang berebut nak add I kaaan. Punya lah suci lagi penyanyang profile pic I tuh pegang kucing. Tak tipu tak faham.

click image to enlarge. kalau nak tgk la. haha. content edited for tutup aib org purposes.

But. Not all who tried to add had such intentions la. I know some are my juniors/seniors from previous schools/univ. Some are my blog 'fans' (duh!) But.. I'm just very particular with whom I add in my Facebook. Its very personal to me, & only the people I personally know/spoken with je I usually add.

So please. Please. Jangan ambil hati if I have not accepted you in Facebook. Its a personal thingy :)

Oh btw. Disebabkan bawak laptop balik kampung & cousin2 kecik macam jadikan bilik cousin I sorg ni mcm cyber cafe - 2 3 bijik laptop skali derang gomol2. Laptop I tibe2 crash ke naik sawan ke whatsoever la. Terus tak boleh startup. Beengong. My cousin helped to reformat my laptop, & installed it with Windows 7 - & I am loving it baby! Thnk u Pae'! Tgk la screenshot kat atas tu heee cool gila~

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Quick Update

Since I've been out of my blog for quite some time - busy lah sangat konon - here's some quick updates la:

1. I'm in Kelantan now. Until Tuesday. Cuti Chinese New Year 4 hari kan (yaaay!) Feeling sad cuz not going back Sabah to celebrate with family, but since our Ah-Ma is on vacation to Japan, takperlah. Mesti tak happening kalau grandma takde time CNY ngee..

2. I just recovered from the nasty coughing & flu I had since.. a month ago? Ughh... X(

3. I'm going on Mount Kinabalu expedition end of this month! On the 25th to be exact. It'll be a 2d 1n climbing, so it'll be the very the super power punya expedition lah. Dah la arrive KK & climb on the same day pergh. So I've been jogging & going to gym (ceh baru sekali p gym) since last week la, konon nak jaga stamina. Tapi balik Kltan ni sure bukan sahaja tak dapat bersenam, malah musnah diet! Duit pun banyak nak habis kat shopping climbing gears ni ugh...

4. I'm so happy in the office sejak last week sebab banyak sangat limau mandarin free. Berkotak2. My theme song for this event is So Happy I Could Die - Lady Gaga. Terlalu gembira sampai sawan sebab makan banyak sgt limau.

5. Kucing Daniel ituh sudah selamat di dagang kan kepada Majin. Tahniah pembeli bertuah.

6. Last weekend my parents came by KL. & my mum mintak di bawak shopping kat Tesco. Kelakar tak? Ye Ma I know KK takde Tesco, but why datang KL jauh2 & pegi Supermarket? oh Mama ku.. Pastu borong perabot kat Ikea. Sanggup tuh hangkut balik KK naik flight segala besi2 kayu2 tuh! hahaha adoiya.. Layan je la..

7. Saya sudah mengantuk...

Happy Chinese New Year! Gong Xi Fa Chai! ngaaauuummm~~ (tiger2!)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Clueless me.

I think
I love my alone time
I appreciate moments when I'm alone
I'm free to ponder
Free to dream
Free to think of many things
The things I've pushed aside
Things I've oh-okay-ed at
When I'm actually not

But I think that's how I've been happy
Or maybe put on a happy face at least
It works

But now that I have some alone time
All those things came back to me
& this time I'ma ponder over it
With my own sweet time
& to actually ask my heart
My heart which has always been tolerating
How are you feeling actually, my heart?
& I'm yet to receive an answer..

I'm plainly clueless of who I am.

Sat, 4.25pm - otw back Kelantan.
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