I made way for the families to fill in first. Lif kecik je, and 9 people are already in it. So I thought of staying behind & wait for the next lift je. But the little indian kid (about 4 5 yrs old i guess) was semangat-ly holding the lift door - ala chomel je~, and the akak was pressing the open door button. Note that our apartment's lifts ni macam lahanat sikit, takde sensor, kalau tutup pintu tu mmg boleh mati terhimpit budak. "Thank you~" I said, sambil pat the kid's head.
Level 3 - the Malay couple and the kids went off.
Level 4 - the Indian family went off.
And the lift is left with myself and the girl baya2 I. She gave a heavy sigh as soon as the Indian family went off. I pun terpandang belakang & senyum je la kat die. Suddenly...
"Nyemak je kan derang ni?"
I was like err... Racist ke ape ngeko ni? Kalo ko nak kutuk yang pak hitam tu aku paham la lagi. Tapi those are Malaysian jugak kot. Ade hak kot nak menyewa kat apartment ni jugak. But I brushed it away & simply asked back:
Izza : Dah lama tinggal sini?
Dia : Tak laa. Baru sebulan.
Izza : (tengok butang lif tingkat yang menyala) Oooh.. Tinggal kat Level 10 eeh? Rumah korg ke, yang ade kena ragut rantai minggu lepas dkat bawah apartment ni?
Dia : Haaa aah. Saye la tu orang nye! Eeh, popular jugak kes tu ek? *chuckles* (aik bangge pulak ko?)
Izza : Aaa ade haritu dengar pakcik bergossip dalam lif..
Dalam hati aku.. Padan la kau kena ragut. Tu la racist sangat.