I seldom go out here. Reason being, I had to help out with the house chores since theres no ammah / bibik around. Also, because my parents aren't always in favor when I say I want to go out with friends. banyak gile soalan kne tny ugh stress..
Anyways. The ex-SMESHians of SPM'04 had a reunion yesterday - Sat, June 20. At Tanjung Aru Beach 3. 8am *koff!* (i came at 8.15 & nobody was there! g bekfes la dulu with my parents. ugh ni la akibat jd org punctual (T_T) only by 9 did some showed up). But acceptable la because.. I'm the only 1 from KK. everyone else is like 1 hour drive to the venue whuu terharu2~ so u see, its really hard for us to gather everyone :(
Anyways. Just to recap who came.
I talked like I didn't saw a human being for years! I swear I talked non-stop (okay maybe some pauses to listen to others talk too) from 9am-5pm!!! seriously. There were friends that I have not been able to meet at all right after SPM! So u can bet theres pretty a lot to talk about. Especially among the girls. Gosh. We gossiped like theres no tomorrow! (ish ish ish x ingat dunia dah..) Sah2 nak habiskn quota bercakap dulu2 pny yg da expired.
btw. for some who don't know, most of my schoolmates back here call me Meow. hee. I got that nickname since form 2 i think. semua kucing2 d Dewan Makan pun saya punya. LOL.
Let the pictures do the talking then :)
Funny remarks worth remembering:
- *sebuah kereta Toyata Vios tiba di lokasi kami berpicnic. gadis2 yg tgh khusyuk gosip atas tikar tak terbang terus terdiam & usha kereta tu. keluar.. siput.. yap.. tiba2..
meow: eyy Ja! tu scandal ko dulu tu kn! c Shahrizam! (dgn sgt konfiden)
semua tertanya2. ada jg yg mengiya kan...
"Shahfardie bah tuu!!!" oops silap.. - "uya mana c Alfredo ah?"
berfikir2.. mana satu ah Alfredo... Fred, Fredolin ada la..
sebenarnya orang yg di diskusi kan bernama Alfero! LOL! - meow: uii kamu tia ajak c Sabariah ka! lama sy x jumpa dia nih! dormmate sy tu dulu!
semua: Sahariah bhaa!!! - "uii kamu x ingat ajak c Agnes ka?" (siapa ckp ni ah? Heather ka?) siapa Agnes? ada ka pula classmate kita nama Agnes?
"Angelina bahhh!!!" jerit seorang sahabat. LOL!
About 3pm, after much effort of c Marleen yang berusaha kuat semangat mau ajak semua pi karaoke since 1pm, majlis pun bersurai secara kecil kecilan~ Some headed straight back home, cuz they have a long journey to go. Some, went to the town. Zaza, Hede, Kilik, Dale, Lappy & myself went for a bowling stroll :D boy we had a great time! details won't be appreciated anyway here, so I'm not bothering to write.
3pm, my mum da call saying "tak mau balik suda ka?". ugh.. please la. its not like everyday i go out pun. n it ws only 3pm! see why I hate going out? (>.<)
Point-of-bullying-Meow of the day:
I was THE ONLY ONE being sent & picked up by my parents! tsk tsk tsk.. sungguh memalukn.. sy bukan budak darjah 5...
By night, as I login to my Facebook acc.. my God. 99 notifications! everyone was in serious picture-tagging & -commenting mode. I laughed a hell lot! :D
Thank you darlings~ looking forward to see u chikas again soon!
thumb and toe up...heaven gila..gathering sumandak bersatu!! haha
menarik...n sy faham situasi yg anda alami..:) seyes...mcm sy gak..nk ble kuar e2 ssh..n bila nk kuar plak..de limit nye..ades...sobsob (^_^)
ahaha. Achan, x puas2 lg ke duduk kt Tg Aru, dekat ngn airport dah. kn da salu duduk sambil cari free WiFi sambil cuci mata tgk stewardess ehee
sob2 kan cyndaguil? tp kt ruma je la cmni. sbb tu bila kt UTP cm pelesit x reti duduk diam, nk bejaaalan je keje hihi~
This is so not Nymq to say this, but Sumandak (Betilkah vocab ini?) r gorgeous!
Happy picnicking~
hahaha. yes Nymq. Sumandak = anak dara = gadis. ehee. & vocab tu da Betul, tp bukan Betil hehe
my friend forget my name and i am #4 in the funny remarks worth remembering list! thanks :)
haha! kidding ;p
ahh Agnes! i mean. Angelina! LOL! haha jangan marah~ marah c Ericka haha
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