So. As mentioned in my previous post. I will be cuti-ing from blogging for about a week to give way for my convocation kan. Guess its time to start my blogging-engine again :)
Here's a recap of what I've been thru for the past 1 week:
12/08 (Wed)Sampai to Tanah Semenanjung. Got my car. Rushed to KLCC. & later then drove back to Legend Hotel. All the way without the help of GPS ok! :P then my parents came. Went to Chow Kit Road to find some good durians! Dad's an enthusiast for durians!
13/08 (Thurs)Dad's birthday. Morning go do abit of shopping. By 1pm i gerak to Tmn Melati. Janji to meet Azmi & the gang kat stesen Shell at 2. 3 cars convoy~ Azmi+Mel and Nina+Aiman+Lut and myself+WQT ehee. alangkah lebat nya hujan all the way!!! T_T
sampai2 aje, masuk bilik Oyen & Atex, I saw this:
how sweet of my housemates~ :')
Then we went out for dinner at Buluh Perindu kat Seri Iskandar. sedap2! & hell lot of talking involved! happy happy! :D
makan2 kami di Buluh Perindu~
14/08 (Fri)I just got to check & read an email saying I'm a recipient of the Rector's Award that very day! & I hell thought it was just a rehersal! ngn pkai jeans nye slumber badak p Chancellor Hall. Sekalinyer terserempak Diy & Ayu, katenye kene pkai formal! !@#$%^&! kelam kabut balik to change. baju kurung sudey. Still tak paham kenapa rehersal kene pkai formal.
& so I duduk je dulu sorg2. Other friends not coming sebab kata malas, the 'rehersal' only for recipients je. Yea right rehersal. As I sat there, watching the MC talking the ceremony away, Rector duduk kat depan, I still pkir it was a rehersal. MC jemput Ustaz utk baca doa buka majlis. Ingatkn gimick je. Tapi panjang la pulak doa ustaz ni. Lek ar ustaz, rehersal je kot. Then again, I looked around. Awat akak kat depan ni grand gila dressing? Asal amoi tu mekap bagai? Nape Rector bagi speech btul2? I tny lg Ayu yg kat sblah I. "Ayu, knape akak2 kt dpan kite ni smngat gile? & nape Ayu & Diy pun cantik2 mekap2? ni rehersal je kn?" - "Tak la Izza, ni betul2 Rector's Award Ceremony~" ujar Ayu lembut. erk! selekeh kot ak. watdehek?
Pape pon. Majlis tu was not properly organized, and recipients were not well informed oke. John too, received a Silver Rector's Award, but he never gotten the email or call. Anyways. It was a happy day for ALL of us. Because John & myself got the Silver Rector's Award (RM750 each!), Ejan, Ayu, & Diy each got the FYP's Gold, Silver, & Bronze Award respectively. All of us never knew dpat award ni dpat duit. so sgt excited time dpat okee haha! So? Open table!!!
Note: I didn't really expect myself to get this. But I'm damn happy to receive it because it was a no-struggle effort. I hated my course tho, but I sure do love the extra-curricular activities I participated :)
The Rector's Award - Silver recipients of ICT & BIS
All the graduates are then to attend the
real rehersal. Alangkah penat nya.. with the briefings & robe-collecting lg.. oh the sea of people.. +_+ not to mention tak makan lg since pagi! it was until Noon kot! tu pn sbb give way to the guys nak go Friday prayer (T_T)
UTP's Chancellor Hall
In the evening, the graduating Muggles decided to have a hangout in Ipoh. Yay! You didn't change much tho, dear Ipoh :P
The guys shopping for Batik shirts for the Grand Convo Dinner
We had our dinner here! Its a nice place, not forgetting the food~ nyummy!
The family :)
15/08 (Sat)Photoshoot people! Well, since the big day's tomorrow & most of us will be busy entertaining own's family, we're having our pre-convo pics today! As early as 8am ockay. Everyday also bangun awal & by 8am da siap2 kat tempat kejadian T_T. not to mention tiap malam tido 3 4am. Maklum la lama tak jumpa hosmet2 ku bucuk :) sumpah penat. Atex pun kate spnjg2 ak duk bilik die kate UTP sempena convo tu, bangun pagi je ak da hilang. Ak pon x larat Tex~~`
I had an earlier photoshoot session with Ben the cam-freak, & model sidekick Charles. Kudos to u, Ben!
Charles & I then went ke sisi our Muggle mates who also had started photoshooting.
Prepping up for the photoshoot
Attempting the classique mortar board-throwing ritual
Ended up kelam kabut pungut balik topi yg dah tah kemana mana. "which is mine la wey?" LOL!
Trying hard to get the right angle for a memorable picture
Fooling around together for the last time :)
Later that noon, I went to pick up my parents in KTM Batu Gajah. Mum wanted to go Cameron "sana banyak bunga cantik2 kan? murah lagi. boleh beli bnyk2 kan?" sorry Ma, I'm having a dinner that night. Time's tight (>.<). So instead we went to check in to the hotel. Excelsior Hotel in Ipoh. Very near to Syuen & Ipoh Parade. How many star hotel? Dont ask. LOL! Parents took the Executive Suite room with King sized bed, as it costed only RM188! Where can u get that rate in hotels in KL? LOL! It wasnt bad at all. It was very roomy with like a ruang tamu at the front area, with sofa set & TV. Toilet was a bit sempit. but the bedroom was cozy enough. Its like McD's value meal. Value for Money X) Then went makan at Mee Rebus Ramli. Then back to hotel for a nap bcos my parents slept late last night, & mum was pretty worried seeing my panda eyes (O.O). Later in the evening, I wanted to bring them to makan pasembor at Batu Gajah. I know a good place where my friends and I used to go makan petang2. Lorry tu takde pulak! :( So I went back UTP, and dad & mum drove back to Ipoh. Kelam kabut siap2 for dinner pulak.
UTP Performing Arts Group (UPAG) doing the opening dance. Oh how I missed perfoming on that stage!
Dancers looking gorgeous - oh oh I missed dancing!
Our menu for tonight. It was yummy!
Our very own Chancellor, Tun Mahathir giving his speech
My darling roomate for 3.5 years :)
My dear (partially) coursemates of 4.5 years :)
We then had a mamak session, all prepped up with laptops, thumbdrives & external hardisks, to perform massive picture exchanging XD
16/08 (Sun)THE DAY. Chemical, Civil, & BIS had their ceremony in the morning session - they had to kumpul by 7am! Luckily ICT was in the evening session, together with Mechanical & EE. Cdeyh ICT & BIS seperated :( We kumpul by 1pm. by 2pm only walk to the front of the hall. & 2.30pm baru berarak masuk hall. My legs, OMG.. sakit oke. & I know a hell lot of girls had the same problem as I do. Its the heeled, covered, black shoes! Curse them! I had blisters all over by the end of the day (-_-!) Not to mention the hot weather & thick robes! adoiya.. it was horrendous!
Anyways. Jealous. The morning session dapat Tun Mahathir to give away the scroll. The evening session dapat Tan Sri Hassan Marican je (my future bos, xleh ngompat! :P).
At the end of the ceremony. Alangkah ribut nya~ it was a sea of people! Agak lost sekejap ngee..
Here's some random shots:
Later at night pulak, after family portrait photoshoot kat kedai & dinner, parents went back to hotel & me? Going to Aizat's concert! well not a real concert la. like a stand-up performance kejap je. 30mins maybe? 5 6 songs. I love his songs, but takder la minat dia gila2. But being with my crazy friends that night, it was freaking fun! Tibe2 jadi cam die-hard fan pulak konon2 LOL! A more detailed description of the event can be read in
Saa's THIS entry.
The crazy girls
Itu Aizat (kanan), kiri tu abang die
Aizat's Fan Club. LOL! XD
Cubaan Saa & Ida merempuh benteng penghalang yg menghalang peminat dari memeluk cium Aizat yg hot
Emo? Jeng jeng jeng~ biarlah si polan dan polan aja tahu~ X)
& the excitement doesn't stops there! balik bilik, ade lg surprise! dikala daku mamai2 da nk tido2 tu, dpat msg. dr Saa. mcm arahan utk buat some game la. pulak dah.. apeni apeni. neves2. cm treasure hunt la pulak. Kunci2 bilik setiap bilik d rumah itu diletakkan d meja makan d dapur bawah tupperware biru. Syai & I kene amek kunci tu & lumba bukak pintu2 kat rumah tu & sape dpat jumpe the right room, ialah pemenang. I won! bilik Nana Sya! ihik! suke suke, ade confetti ihik~~
both Syai & I dapat a pretty pink 'We *heart* U' shirt & bunga gebu itu~ hee (tak nak mention the prank yg dorg wat kat aku :P)
Yummy cupcakes! & sgt comel, tak sampai hati nak mkn!
17/08 (Mon)Return robe, collect sijil & transcript, & g breakfast with Mama Syai & Papa Azam. disebabkan asyik menumpang couple ini, terasa jd cm anak dorg lak kkdg. Soon later my parents pon datang juge~
Oh. That morning. Ade kejadian meng haru kan berlaku. I finally nyatakan niat 'itu' kpd babe babe ku. Hee. Tak sangka reaksi drg cmtu. Tertitis air mata pulak. Saa la punya psl especially~ isk.. But thank you babes. U all nye support matters sgt sgt :')
note: biar lah mereka yg tahu ini shj tau & phm :)Sesi pelok2 mwah2 bye2 ngn babes ku. & off to KL~ my dad drove till Tapah, & pastu I drove all the way ke Hotel pulak. OK nothing interesting dah ehe. The following days sume raon2 cari rumah je. Still. In vain :(
So. Now I'm back in KK, Sabah. Lazying around. Oh btw! Datin da beranak! ngaaa happy nyer~ guess thats her present to me for my Convo! :D
Datin + 3 gebu2 already kittens. hiks!
So. Thats the story of my convocation week! :)