Monday, November 30, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha

I went for PDB Teambuilding @ Negeri Sembilan from 23-25 Nov 09 - last week la. Its a 3 days 2 nights event. I'll blog about it in my next post.

Thing was. On my way back to KLCC that Wednesdat, my good friend Azam slash Muggle-mate slash bf-terchayunk-alolo-Syaima' sms - tanya where am I, since dia ada kat KLCC. I said sorry lah, I'm kinda tired & tak larat nak hangout. Oke. But later Azam tanya "tak balik Kelantan ke?" - I pun story la kisah sedih I, yang ticket bas dah habis (ni lah tebiat orang yg suka buat kerja adhoc), and if I follow Abg Long (bukan abg kandung, cousin ye) I yg from Putrajaya tu, Ahad I nak balik camne - Abg Long I terus stay back kat Kltan for his wedding the following week.

Tiba2. "aku ikut abg ipar aku balik kltan kut. 2 kereta. ada kosong lg. nak tumpang?". I pon TERUS CALL Azam. Excited gila nih.

Cut it short. I pun tumpang lah Azam & family Angah die, Kak Da. 1 kereta tu Angah Azam@Kak Da & hubby die Abg Mie & dua ninja boy mereka yg buas. 1 kereta lg kereta bujang, I ngan Azam and adik Abg Mie @ Kak Su yg ramah tamah. Abg Mie tuh drive sungguh lah hebat lah. For the 1st time Azam nampak lembab on the road bwahahaha (Syai melaporkan Azam demam terus the next day lalala :p)

The journey overall took like 13 hours for me to reach KB. ugh.. dah la I tak tido lansung the whole journey.

Anyways. It was all sangatlah berbaloi. My cousin ramai jugak balik kampung. So memang seronok lah :)

Acara Raya Haji Di Kampung dimulakan dengan korban lombu. hoyeah. Potong! Potong!

siat lah menyiat~

ini porut lombu ye kawan2

Akim yg nangis time lembu nya kene sembelih. "Knape diorang potong lembu Akim...?"

Son Goku?

Gambar ni nanti letak dalam resume untuk submit kat calon husband mwahaha

Cian Akim cousin ku yg 4 tahun. Balik2 cakap "Cian lembu Akim..", walaupun sambil mengunyah daging lembu ituh. Btw. Azam kata Akim tu menawan. Besar nanti mesti hensem. Kan? I pon rase camtu. Cayang lah dak tuh :)

The next day. Sabtu. Sebenarnya banyak gile jemputan ke rumah2 orang kampung - biaserla orang ajak kenduri lpas korban kan. Tapi kami remaja jiwa muda nih lari ke kota KB mwahaha (jeling kat Kak Na yg jadi ketua gerombolan inih) Berbekal kan alasan nak membeli barang2 untuk party celebrate birthday cousin kecik kitorg, dik Ila yg mencecah umur 5 tahun 30 Nov ni, kami pun ke KBmall hehe.

Kami gi maen bowling~~`

Somehow. Tak faham nape. Ni lah score bowling paling buruk dalam hayat hidup aku. Aku tetap nak cakap. Lane 5 tu memang suwey! eh tapi tak semua bola tu aku baling - ade kasi budak2 tu yg baling (sbb score tu mmg da x buleh diselamatkan pon haha)

We had a feast malam tuh. KFC 30 ketul. Nasi goreng cina. Kek. etc. Happy jek kumpul ramai2 camnih :)

Happy Birthday dik Ila!

Cousin Mousin dari 4 family - yg kecik2 tuh 5 beradik dari Shah Alam, parents derang g Haji, maka dicampak ke kampung haha

Abg Long yg dah nak jadi bapak orang - dengan bangga nya tayang jersey Chelsea dia, baru beli semata2 match malam tuh haha. Selamat Bakal Pengantin Baru!

Dan.. Ahad tu lah saat perpisahan.. Azam, Kak Su & kwn Kak Su sorang datang pick kat rumah Ayah Li ku. Time ni la Azam nampak Akim & kata Akim tuh menawan. pergh. haha. Journey balik took like 8 hours je. Ikot shortcut yg sangat mencabar & scary kot. I sampai KL about 2 3 am. Ngaaa kul 6 bangun nak g office dah...

Btw. I thank Azam & family Kak Da sgt2 sebab sudi tumpangkan hamba Allah ini. Tanpa mereka, sure saya beraya sorang2 kat rumah kt KL ni uhuk uhuk.. pergh haha.

Note: sedih je nak tinggal rumah Ayah Li ku ituh.. sob sob.. Tho it was a very short stay, I had such a great time. Saya Sayang Kampung Saya! hiyaaak!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Harap Maklum

Sila maklum bahawa apabilasanya saya sedang berasa sedih dan/atau marah, saya tidak mem belog. Tapi macam pernah jugak kan? Hurm. If I'm blogging it out tuh, means I'm over it la biasanya.

Kenapa saya tak mem belog bila emo? Sebab saya tak nak ter maki hamun orang dalam belog saya. Saya tak mahu ada yg terasa hati - walaupun mungkin saya tak state the name. Saya tak mahu mengadu domba. Saya tak suka orang kesian / simpati pada saya. Dan rasanya the ultimate reason is simply because tak ada mood nak menulis bila ngah emo tuh.

Maka. Tuan2 & Puan2 boleh lah faham kenapa saya tidak mem belog for the past (almost) 3 weeks kot. Ada lah tuh. Hmm.. Sedih.. Tapi nak buat macam mana.. :(

sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih. sedih!

Demikian lah kisah sedih saya. Harap Maklum.

nota kaki: susahnye hati tak boleh luah kesedihan ini huhu

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

About Housemates

So its official.

Tuesday is Housemates Day!


1. its the only day when the 3 of us would put aside any others events/dates, just to go back home early

2. its the only day all 3 of us will go back from the office at the same time, riding the LRT together

tak tau kenapa harini mcm excited sgt, dlm sesak2 LRT ptg tu (tapi ktorg dpat seat lpas station Setiawangsa), kami dgn x tau malu nye ambik self-portrait pic - credit to Deliza's hp haha

3. most importantly.. its PASAR MALAM day!

tengok 3 minah tak senonoh ni. naik je kereta, lock pintu, makan ice cream goreng dulu! *excited nih excited!*

Oh oh I love the offerings from pasar malam! macham2! murah lak tuh. maka kami org bujang nak berjimat nih mmg suke lah! oh sgt rindu dgn pasar malam kat Taman Maju every Rabu tuh. Berduyun2 budak UTP & UiTM Seri Iskandar pergi cuci mata beli food. dan kadang2 tudung. dan rubic. dan pencil box. dan getah ikat rambut. dan tepung gomak. dan macam2 lagi lah!

So. Iyea people. Jangan ajak saye date hari Selasa, bcos its my Housemates Day! oh & every Rabu saya ade commitment to my division - the so-called Retail Club, where we have evening jogs every Wed after office dkat KLCC Park tuh. So. Iyea, jgn ajak saye date hari Rabu jugak. Hari2 lain boleh consider (ceh ceh!) :p

Oh & btw.

Good Luck my fellow UTPians! for your FINAL finals.
especially the Engineers of Batch Jan'05 - cheers! You're graduating! :D

Especially again to my ex-housemates yg hot, house V5K-T4 - how I miss spending the ribut final exams dengan korg :( walaupun kite tak sama course semua, tapi itulah yg buat friendship kite lagi colorful kan? miss you girls~` xoxo

Monday, November 9, 2009

I Have the Sawan for Discounts & Cats. How?

Mari dengar (or baca) ceritera ku untuk weekend baru ini yang julung-julung kali terjadi.

My parents came over to KL this recent weekend. They had an award dinner to attend, @ Royale Chulan Hotel. I thought hotel korok mane la pulak HLG buat event ni, tak pernah dengar pun. But eh, rupenye aku yang korok ketinggalan zaman. Its a new hotel in the very heart of KL - just opened in March 2009 kot.

Mum & I, with our favorite flower :)

That Friday, my parents came over to KLCC to chill je la. They came Thursday lagi, & the dinner thingy was only 1 night. So the remaining days is to just lepak2 la. Biaser la orang da pencen ni kan. Cool kan tua2 still chillin' (haha)

So. Once its 5pm++, I called my mum asking where they're at. "chai Isetan, Samsonite yew sale!" ujar ibuku in Mandarin. translation: "kat Isetan ni, Samsonite ada sale!" So. Iyea. My family are somehow planning for a vacation this end of the year. But still unconfirmed due to H1N1 & also the travel agent's arrangement. Somehow. Unplanned (as usual). ee chomel nye beg tuh! eh eh siap ade anak2 die lagi~. eee SALE 50% ko0ot~~ and.. I pun TERbeli the luggage bag. & oh siap match ngan 1 travel bag yang I konon2 berimpian nak jadikan beg gym, wah wah!

But seriously. Those 2 bags, after discount, it costed like RM105 and RM75 je! like OMG.. takkan taknak beli ko0ot~! dah la chomel nak mati. haa mula la keluar sawan i bile nampak discounts & sales nih.

The following day (Saturday), we checked out from Royale Chulan, checked in The Legend hotel pulak. We love to stay there sebab its like very accesible & next to The Mall (lagi bhaye actually sbb bnyk lg la shopping gamaknye kan). So. Iyea. That night jalan2 sane, Parkson pulak on sale.. & it was Hush Puppies punye luggage bags oke! Keluar lagi sawan I.. TERbeli lah lagi 1 luggage bag..

Tak faham motif aku beli semua luggage bags nih, padahal tuh luggage bag merah gabak besar kat blkg tu + 2 more bags dah menyemak kat bilik kot. Tapi chomel kaan beg hitam bunga2 nieh~~ XD

Ockay enough about my sawan. That Saturday, we went to our relative's house in Shah Alam. My aunt & her husband is going for Hajj soon. Last2 week dah jadi bibik dah tolong2 time she buat kenduri. Ni saja la bawak my parents along. The next day, Sunday, we invited them for breakfast at the hotel pulak. Datang la Cik Yah & Uncle Jailani with his 6 children - ranging from tadika up to form 2. These are my cousins yang sangat2 baik & well behaved as I storytelled in this previous post la. Ala sayang takde ambik pics dengan dorang.

Even more lucky for us, that Sunday, there was THIS:

International Cat Show! *tepuk tepuk*

Oh oh how excited I was, as I led the scout team of 6. Berderet lah jalan budak2 tuh belakang I while I hold hands with the youngest, Ila, 5 yrs old. Seronok je rase dah jadi adult yang trusted by other parents to watch over their (SIX!) kids. Dah la budak2 ni pun semua stok2 sayang kucing gak. So, the 7 of us pun merayap into the The Putra Place in The Mall, 4th floor tuh. It was like in a big hall la. & there were dozens of 'mini tents' on tables, properly arranged in lines in the hall. People were from all over the world! Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia, & mat mat saleh dari dunnowhere. Malaysians too ofcourse. The contestants? From all sorts of breed!

Now let the picturesque do the talking!
Note: Sakit hati GILA tak bawak my Lexie! argh! Sorry for the low-quality pics - taken with my phone's camera je X(
(P/S: Lexie is the nickname for my LX3 camera. sexy tak nama dia? haha!)

the hall where the Cat Show was held in

kitty in fancy zebra-print 'tent'

lady touching up her Maine Coon cat before another round of judging

dad admiring the kucing (aiyo mind the perut haha)

OMG look at this Maine Coon... macam nak lap kaki je kat perut die

kucing ni manje gile nak mati kat tuan dia~ sangat suwiitt~~`

she won the 3rd place for Best Household Pet!

oh oh kucing nii cool gile~

ni pun mcm best jadikan pengelap kaki

sangat diva kucing nih, dengan ekor die yg sangat berlagak2

kitties getting tired over the hectic routine

judge inspecting the kitty. that kucing is like so0o.. Fluffy! macam nak tepuk2 & baling je!

argh comel gile~~`

check pregnancy kot

alala wat muke chomel.. tarik misai tu kang!

oke ni garang...


timbang berat kot

this cat won several awards! eventho die macam diva, tapi stil playful. kucing lain2 gemuk tak layan bulu2 ayam nih

macam racoon pun ade kn?

gemuk + berat = bukan izza

lawa gile color die~~

So. Iyea. I later sent my parents off to KLIA. & drove back to my little apartment in Taman Melati. The End of my weekend~

Oh oh! I bought a shirt from the Cat Show! Its for charity la, to be donated for AnimalCare (, which is an animal protection group - something like SPCA jugak kot.

iyea lame Izza taking pics in the car while waiting in the traffic - peduli apa aku kereta sebelah pandang slack :p
note: janji aku tak selalu ambik gmbar sndri camni tau! ni sebab baju baru je haha

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Garang Kah Aku?

Chup. Before that. Lemme story-mory about my sleepover at bestfriend slash 3yrs&ahalf ex-roomate, Syaima's family house last night.

Well. It was ad hoc. That Saturday morning, woke up around 8? Berguling-guling dulu atas katil. Switched on my laptop sambil menyorok bawah selimut. Reached my phone & texted Babe Syai: "So whats the shopping plan babe?" - she already texted me yesterday thats she's back in USJ for the weekend. Pendek cer, within few SMSs, I'm on my way to her house dah lah. Phew jauh (& mahal jugak) nak ke USJ from Gombak nih. Don't ask me I ikut jalan mana - I ikut Jalan GPS. \

Btw, sorry I couldn't make it for the Mocca concert Ben! This is not the reason I rejected your pelawaan~

Sampai2 aje, dipelawa makan lunch. Oh oh bahagia nye makan masakan rumah~ Siap Cik Puan Syaima' kite masak Ayam masak Kematu (kah? lupa nama nya). Pergh. Da boleh kahwin la babe! XD Then kami anak dara pun bersiap2 lah nak keluar. Adik Syai, Samira a.k.a MekYa came along. Sian die nak SPM kan, kakok die pun bawak la jalan2 ehe MekYaa go0d Luck ye SPM! Dah dpat sling-bag kuning tu semangat lah sikit ehe pas SPM Kak Izza blanje berjoli lak ;) Oh oh, & Ayah Syai tiba2 lagi bagitau ada branded warehouse sale dkat Stadium Malawati, Shah Alam tuh. Kami pun er.. 1st time neh, tak nah g warehouse sale. Cuba lah jom!

Selingan: Dulu time dak2 Engineering batch Jan05 intern, housemate2 ku ni asyik je g warehouse sale. Jealous btul tengok drg beli brg berlambak2 sbb murah nak mati - dari kasut2 Nose, bra panties Audrey, cosmetics from Maybelline, Revlon, and macam2 lagi lah! Tu yg mcm berharapan tinggi nak pegi warehouse sale nih.

So this is how its looks like la in a warehouse sale. Oke.. nak tengok2 baju, walaupun ada brands like Giordano, Soda, Voir etc, tapi macam tak terlarat nak godek2 cari bcos mmg dah berterabur sgt. But ada la gak terbeli satu Elle jersey shirt - konon semangat nak bersukan kn mwahaha~ & oh, terjumpa barang comel nih.

tah-daa~ wall sticker. haha. RM3 je pon. sampai2 je rumah, excited lekat2 hihi halfway baru teringat nk ambik gmba before & after hehe

tah-daa lagik! chomell kaaan~~ oke I actually tot it'd be bigger la haha tapi xperla

So. Iyea. I also bought a white mouse (bukan tikus oke. Tetikus utk pc tuh!), a laptop bag (finally!), and tudung. Oh oh what happened to TEMAN-Syai-dan-adiknya-sahaja!?

Later then, we went to Sunway Pyramid. Ahh rindu tempat ni. I used to go here often time intern dulu. I love Sunway Pyramid because its complete! Lotsa shops, lotsa seats, & not TOO crowded! Guess because its abit less accessible as compared to the malls in the KL. Bagus lah! and er.. despite constant reminder to self "I don't need that. I don't need that." & an early warning to Syai to CONTROL me from spending unnecessarily, I bought a high-waisted belt.. *sigh* but ayy, it IS a NEED! for office wear nih. kot.. But. I did managed to un-buy many many many things! so. Iyea! Good girl Izza! XD (org ni mmg cepat berpuas hati dgn diri sendiri haha)

Spent the night at Syai. Had a good catching up time. Had a good sleep. Woke up like 8? 9? 10? Oh anak2 dara inih.. haha. Had nasi dagang for breakfast (oh nyum!). & here I am now, back in my small room in Tmn Melati :)

So. Ockay! Back to the headlines. Garang Kah Aku? Seriously. Because I've been getting that alot recently. Oke takde la just this recent. But it kinda hit me when several guys said that to me. Rasa kelakar pun ada. And why must the comment be from guys aje? Girls takde pun complain I garang. Mengada2 dan manja gedik tu common lah kan kaaan haha!

So. Tu la. I pelik la. Ni testimoni2 garang yg I dapat:

"Awk nih garang jugak eh.." - an undisclosed male colleague

"Izza tu comel. tapi garang!" - an undisclosed male PIPE-er 48 comment to a friend of mine

"Akak nih garang lah" - a male junior in UTP


Seriously. Garang kah aku?
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