Friday, July 31, 2009

Finally. You came.

Friday. 2.38pm.

Henpon ku berdering. uh berdering kah? oke lagu Hatin' On the Club - Rihanna berkumandang. Pelik. Sape laa nak call aku. Jarang sekali dapat call. Tapi sebab lama sangat termenung tak percaya, aku pun ter miss itu call. Talipon rumah lak berdering. oke yg ni btul berdering.

"Hello. Ini Cik Nurulizza?" - iyaa..?
"Aaa I have something to deliver. Saya ada depan rumah awak skrg" - oh ok ok

Sounds romantic la pulak. Gile suwiit kalo ade org wat surprise mcm tu kan haha! Anyways. Despatch / posmen rupanya. Dia pon bg la sebungkus barang. Aku pon amek aje and kate "tengkiuk~" sambil tersengih, hepi dpat posto walopn tak tau dari sape. "eh eh.. sign dulu~" oops malu pulak.

Abg ku yg tengah polish tayar kereta : surat apa tu? - ntah~ *belek2 bungkusan*

Mama yg dari mula da ter jenguk2 dari pintu rumah - tak Ma, bukan rombongan meminang. Dah sebok2 tanya macam2.

Aku ade la terlintas pikir dari someone tuh yang janji manis nak hantar kad tapi tak kunjung tiba kan, ingat nak je naik atas baru bukak, tapi kang kecik lak ati mak aku nih. So bukak je la dlu sampul FedEx ke CityLink ke (oh tak ingat lansung da. da buang tah kemana tah). Tarik keluar 1 lagi sampul.. eik.. PETRONAS...?

hati dah berdebar gila lah.



Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa puan adalah ditawarkan untuk berkhidmat dengan PETRONAS dan akan dipinjamkan ke PETRONAS Dagangan Berhad dan ditempatkan ke jawatan yang tersebut di "NGV Department, Retail Business Division", PETRONAS Dagangan Berhad, Kuala Lumpur berkuatkuasa mulai 1 September 2009 ......

Finally. YOU CAME! The long awaited offer letter!

I had been sulking back these few days, because quite a number of my friends has already gotten calls from the HR saying they've gotten placements. Some had even received their offer letters. But today! Takde ribut taufan gerhana apa2, YOU CAME!

Oh oh I'm so happy! and so are my family. & Friends! Terharu pada mereka yang turut sama gumbira untuk saya oh oh. Trips to UTP are no longer dipisahkan Laut Cina Selatan!

However. I only have 1 month to settle everything. The health checks. Documents. KWSP. FIND A PLACE TO LIVE in KL! which I believe would be the ultimate ruckus. Not forgetting my Convocation which is tentatively set to 16th of Aug, but since UTP is now 'cuti', thanks to H1N1 (i hate u!!! - but I know those in UTP must be cheering, LOL).. lets just hope its not rescheduled (T_T)

It would be nice if I could find any other girl(s) working in KL. To share house rent as well as good company. Anyone knows anyone?

Note: Good Luck to my friends who'll be attending the Structured Interview soon, as well as those whos waiting for the result. Jom buat KLCC tuh UTP ke-2! XD

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tribute to Late Yasmin Ahmad.

I read it in The Star Online yesterday - 'Film director Yasmin Ahmad in hospital ', 'Director Yasmin suffers a stroke, stable after brain surgery'. As I woke up this morning & was having my breakfast, dad told me, she passed away... Who would've thought that?

I was never much of a fan for Malay movies. Not that I'm too proud, not that I don't watch at all, but just not much of a fan. Not too fond of it. Rumors speculating the movies she directed was never all-good. Some even just watched it when a friend told 'em got aksi-aksi panas. Yes often Malaysian movies that are released passed the high restrictions set upon the tah badan ape yang tapis2 bende nih. Late Yasmin Ahmad's passed, but was still often highly criticized. Be it. Different people have different perspective. & let's respect that. Out of her long list of movies - Gubra, Mualaf, & er.. tataw.. the only one I watched was Sepet tho. & yeah, it wasnt bad at all!

Whats so admirable of her? You ought to read this : Tributes for Yasmin Ahmad - a news post in The Star Online, compiling a list of random Malaysians spilling out their hearts. The most beautiful thing was, people regardless of race & religion, all speaking out & expressing their admire for this Malaysian lady. 1Malaysia is on the track after all :')

A few tributes quoted:

Rest in peace Storyteller
When you made the movie "Sepet"
It is like making a story of my life
You woke every Malaysian up
You're the Shakespeare of Asian
Putting "Romeo & Juliet" in "Sepet"
You made every Malaysian
Want to be a Malaysian
You made every Malaysian
Want to watch Malaysian made movie
Thank you. - Johnny Tan

Before Sepet came along, I always have this negative feeling about Malaysian made movies. That all change because of Sepet. It made me laugh and cry at the same time, a quality that has been missing from Malaysian movies. Yasmin's theme of 1Malaysia which is only advocated by our prime minister recently has been in her movies and commercials for a long time. Though I may not have known Yasmin Ahmad personally but her personal work (commercials and movies) touched my heart personally, for that I feel like I have lost a friend. If Michael Jackson's passing is wept by the world, I think Yasmin's passing should be wept by all Malaysian regardless of race, religion or ethnic, a true hero of 1Malaysia. A great talent she definitely is. She shall be missed. - CHU SP

Isn't it just great to see all races having something in common? :)

Anyways. Since this great penganggur has nothing else better to do, I'm preparing my own tribute to the greatest corporate advertisements director (as that was what I adore most of her). Here's to you, Allahyarhammah Yasmin Ahmad.

I did a mini compilation of PETRONAS advertisements. Mind u, I bukan berat sebelah kat PETRONAS oke~~ LOL! :P I decided to compile the videos here cuz in youtube all berterabur. next time I rase nk nangis2 I open my blog aje hoho.

This one got a little girl (later Sharifah Amani) & her father bla3...

This is yet the best of all raya ads. The most heart touching. That never failed to trickle tears everytime I watch. & everytime also makes me wana maki the son in law. caya la u. muka u mmg bole bikin org menyampah!

"Burung ape?" "Burung murai.."

"Mak OK~~`". Iklan ni ending die stil buat aku tertanya2. sape leh explain?

2009? Coming soon. But who's directing? aww...

About a boy who lives with her grandmother

Another one of my fave. Makcik2 kepoh berlagak kehebatan anak masing2. Sweet jek nenek sorg tu, innocent jek ngaa :')

owh I never watched this one before actually. "old folks live together bla3.. maybe u should go visit them?"

About an orphan boy.

Another boy yg x kenang jasa bapaknya. until its too late.

not sure which year. but i like it loh.

couldn't find the exact year(s). so here's a random compilation of my personal faves.

about the two mamak restaurants competing. LOL!

the highlight of this clip would be the WHOPPAKK sound effect when the granny pukul her son ke grandson, for changing the radio. LOL LOL!

another all-time favorite. lawak tul club sblah pasar malam. Diggy D aka Muniandy Chinnadorai. Sam aka Muthusamy Karupiah. tu laa. suke2 hati lg tuka such divine names, kan nenek da marah. LOL LOL LOL!

again. these are of randomities. but the merdeka ones are always the best cuz it comprises Malaysians :D

Ow man this is the sweetest thing ever. Just look at the boys expression at the near end of the commercial. PRICELESS!

Kids are color blind. & say the darnest things. Race? u mean race car?

2 elderly men bumped into each other in hospital & was reminiscing their good old times.
"sakit ke?" - "tak"
"ey itu dia potong die kasi balik ke?" - "tak"
"bole tgk tak?" - "tak boleh~ aku sepak kang~"

"ABAH PUNYA" - touching + funny!

The boat race. Its funny how the camera focused on the toothless guy. LOL!

well. this isnt particularly in any of the mentioned above. i tink its for CNY + Raya. Lee Yan's bestfriend. touching if u ask me.

And.. that should conclude my long list of Youtube videos. Sorry la yg kt UTP tu ye, kalo nak stream, berjaga ke Suboh la korg :P

You go 1Malaysia! I support u whole-heartedly! Saye sendiri dah comprise of Malaysians! Dad's a Kelantanese Malay, Mum's a Sabahan Chinese/Kadazan (or Sino Kadazan), & the doctor who sambut me is an Indian! Dr Rajah. Oh I love Malaysia. mwah mwah!

Tribute to Allahyarhammah Yasmin Ahmad. Al-Fatihah.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Kisah Jog dan Kelapa

Rutin harian ku (kadang-kadang):

5.15am - Subuh prayer
6.00am - bertolak ke mane2 tempat yg best jogging
7.15am - breakfast
8.00am - pulang ke rumah & aktiviti bebas berseorangan atau berkumpulan

Oke, tak de la hari2 cam nie. Tapi probably 3, 4, 5 times gak in a week. Tu pun sebab papa ku lately asyik complain buncit (sape terasa harap x terasa).

Today, the routine was executed once again. Port jogging yg agak selalu kitorg p is the Likas' Sports Complex. Di sini lah anda boleh usha macam2 kereta import yg besar2 lagi mewah2. Dah itu kereta paling cikai kat rumah dorang kot, kereta-gi-pasar. Ada yg datang jog seawal 4am kot. Kitorg datang kul 6 tu, ada yg da nk balik. Anyways, sy bukan racist. Tapi mmg terbukti the majority kaum yg berjog d awal pagi (dan kaya2) itu adalah Chinese. Kkdg syok observe drg. Yg dah tua2 tu, datang ngn kawan2 nya yg jugak berpangkat datuk dan bukan datin tapi nenek, ambil jog borak2 riang. Semua saling bertegur sapa n senyum - regular joggers sane mmg saling kenal la. Suka tgk suasana cmtu.

1 round keliling tasik tu 1km exact papa kate. aritu i jog 3 round you~~~` 3km bebeh! (ceh ceh haha) Tapi today 2 round je la. While papa g jog the 3rd round, me n my mum join aunty2 n grandma2 yg tgh buat Tai Chi~ er.. if I'm not mistaken la. Pergerakan yg slow, di iringi lagu yg mungkin leh masuk kategori seram, yg hanya menyebut "Chi..." dan "Kung...". Da lama i usha, tapi segan nk join. Today I dragged my mum LOL! - she didn't have much patience tho, cuz it ws super slow. Funny thing was, I purposely joined the Tai Chi's small crowd after my 2km jog so as to cool down - but ended up sweating more! Who knew right, such slow movements can make u sweat. I tot sebab I baru lpas jog, but no - cuz my mum yg da lama stop jog tu sweat balik. So ppl, don't underestimate Tai Chi :D

Anyways. Arini ada upacara potong buah kelapa. Yg dibawak pulang dari kebun papa beberapa hari lepas. Kucing ku yg seketul ni ntah la kenapa, excited g keliling kitorg pulak. Papa pun "emm~? kenapa~? nak makan kelapa~?" - FYI, adalah normal orang2 dlm rumah ku sume cakap ngn kucing2. Lalu diberi nya kucing itu isi buah kelapa yg lembut lemak. Guess what. Kucing tu makan okee~! Bnyk lak tu die mkn. Satu paruh biji dedicated khas utk die. Die sorg je mkn. (kucing) Yg lain kata not-my-taste.

kelihatan seekor kucing tgh gelojoh robek isi kelapa yg agak tua itu

siyers die suke nak mkn isi kelapa tu. kalo kasi air kelapa pun dia minum kot, tapi ak x kasik sbb utk ktorg pon x ckup humph humph :P

secebis gambar mimik muka hodoh c kucing yg gelojoh

Gambar selingan. My favourite cat - Datin c kucing hutan yg tgh pregnant 7 minggu kot. expecting soon :D oh n btw, Datin suke mkn durian lak. lg 'up' la dr kelapa kn. kate datin~ LOL~! a testshot from my LX3.

Datin layan jiwang. Terkenang kan ex kot.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Solar Eclipse Tomorrow!

Well. Partial solar eclipse only, actually, for Malaysia. But I am excited!

Whats a solar eclipse? source:Wiki
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Sun and the Earth so that the Sun is fully or partially covered. This can only happen during a new moon, when the Sun and Moon are in conjunction as seen from the Earth.

Quoted from The Star:

Partial solar eclipse can be observed in Msia tomorrow

KUALA LUMPUR: This century’s longest total solar eclipse can be observed as a partial solar eclipse in Malaysia between 8:23am and 9:48am on Wednesday.

However, it would be difficult to view the phenomenon with naked eyes as only 17.8% of the sun would be obscured by the moon, head of Angkasa space science research unit Mhd Fairos Asillam said.

The northern part of Peninsular Malaysia would be the best place to observe the eclipse, he said in a statement.

The total solar eclipse, which would last for six minutes and 39 seconds, would pass through Ryuku Islands in Japan and through the Pacific Ocean, he said.

Mhd Fairos said the moon’s umbral shadow would begin covering India and then Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar and China.

Malaysians would be able view the live webcasts of the eclipse through the websites, and

Malaysians would be able to observe a partial solar eclipse on Jan 15, 2010, March 9, 2016 and Dec 26, 2019, he said. -- Bernama

I can't exactly recall when was the last time I witnessed an eclipse. But surely remember still the time when I was young, still in studying S.R.K St Agnes. It should be in the mid/late 1990s. & was probably in weekend, since that noon when the eclipse happened, I was at home. I remembered my dad made a.. er.. thing, that allows us to see the eclipse directly with raw eyes. Filtered by this thing of course. a few pieces of unused film from the old camera film roll, layered together & using a manila card, cut it into a small window like shape where the 'mirror' would be the black film. glue em together so that the layers of film doesn't move about, n even a handle sticking out from the window-like manila card for easy holding! oh yea my dad is creative in these kinds of stuff.

That noon, we sat on the house roof, to get the best view. It was super clear & being a child, I was exteremely amused! u know, teruja~ ehe. skrg pun selalu jer teruja. tengok lembu pun teruja hoho. Anyways. I witnessed the full eclipse happening. How he sky turned dark. How the shape changes slowly. Oh oh when can I ever see a full eclipse again!

So. Wake up early tomorrow people! Especially those in the northern part! (er.. negeri mane actually? whuu jeles!)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Another Wish Scratched from List

I've been wanting a camera ever since my last camera - Canon IXUS 75 was stolen when our house was broken in back in Dec 31, 2008. For weeks, and maybe months, I've been researching on whats the best camera to buy. During my final semester in UTP, I got to know a number of friends owning SLR cameras. The pictures are admirable & some, jaw-dropping. & since then, I feel that a simple Point-and-Shoot (P&S) camera just doesn't satisfy me anymore (cheh cheh).

So i thought, maybe I should angkat an SLR. Cool la konon (bole blah la). But as I was dicussing with my dad, he pointed out that its bulky & extra-baggage when travelling, bla bla bla. (but later kept quiet when I showed him a test-shot made in the kedai hehe). & after much interviews held with the SLR experts I've known, I became more puzzled with what I actually want (-_-!) So again, after much research & recommendations from the lense-freaks, I've concluded - I'll get a semi-SLR! or which some also call prosumer.

Sorry to those who tried to poison me into buying SLR :P here, I'm listing my reasons of why SLR is just not (yet) for me :)
  • i'm used to having a camera in handy, which means it should fit into my (balik kampung) handbags. in any case of emergency, i dont regret of leaving my camera behind.
  • the photogs shared with me the many tips & tricks you can do with an SLR, & i was thinking - do i really need all those fancy tricks? not like im looking forward into being a pro. i just need nice, decent pics.
  • "its the person who determines how good the picture comes out" said a friend. an SLR does not do magic. it is myself who'll need to learn to use - but i malas!
  • as i was holding an SLR back in the kedai, my eyes blurred over the many buttons & unfamiliar icons - i just can't stand complexity!
  • i still look forward into SLRs, but i guess i'll buy one later - with my own money & with a sifu in handy, for the ease of learning & not wasted la ehe.
  • "read the manuals" said a friend. ugh. i never read manuals. & i cant even imagine reading an SLR's manual. >.<
  • last but not least, i'm just plain lazy to learn the extras. end. pls dont hate me.
After weighing the pros & cons, a semi-SLR should be in my league i guess. and it should be nothing other than Panasonic Lumix LX3 baby!

So. My parents' are being generous by agreeing to fully sponsor my next camera - they're happy with the recent news i've received :) It was pretty funny how I arrived to the price I got. I called shop A & B before hand, and just this morning went to visit shop B, & found shop C.

Shop A : out of stock. selling price: rm1799. not negotiable. need deposit before order. & the ruddy hell sales assistant is a freaking nerd that assumes the buyer is a total moron. F you, you geek!

Shop B : out of stock. best price: rm1680. leave phone num & they'll contact upon arrival of new stock - but dunno when. free tripod. case. 4gb.

Shop C : got stock! last price rm1780. case. 4gb. thats it. then i kata la, shop B (which is just around corner) offers rm1680, c'mon~ "rm1765". neah.. & i said i'll think about it & walked out. stopping by Canon's corner to have a last look at the Canon 450D & 500D which i was seriously considering before. the salesperson actually chased me! "aa miss, my boss wants to see you." erk? chuak pn ade. tp konfiden je la. ak x buat salah kot. sambil berjalan tu "boss wants to give better price hehe". ooh.. apalah. so i saw him keying in things into the PC - 'Promotional Price - RM1765' changed to 'RM1697'! LOL! bersusah payah hahaha~ anyways. i said i'll consider.

Guess which shop I finally bought from?

Shop C! hehe. xperla the extra rm17 & minus the tripod. cant be bothered to wait for shop B. & ayy, i din know it has another color. so.. the classique, SLR-like, black LX3 or modern, sexy silver? Dad said the silver looked nicer. I tot so to0. So a silver LX3 it is~

Too bad it doesn't match my handbag or anything :P Function over Design baby!

Thank you to all who gave suggestions & comments! ben. mai. pudin. edvin. rizwan. zhee. bukhari. anas. hazirah. wadi. iffat. kema. & a few other random ppl. tengkiuk~~! :D

note: i'm actually reading the manuals now. ugh. no pain no gain.. but i know i'm lovin' it! :D

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Saya Menang Motor

Oke the above mentioned topic has nothing to do with this post :P

After much difficulty with PETRONAS Education Sponsorship Unit (ESU) reporting upon completion of study/scholarship, I finally got an email today that cheered me well :) It was a short, simple email, but it means a lot to a penganggur like me LOL!

Dear Izza;

We are pleased to inform that you have been successful in the recent structure interview.

We will be in touch with you, once we have a suitable position that commensurate your qualification. We also would like to have your most current address or phone number for us to contact you on possible placement within the organization in the near future.

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Zaira Zaib
Group Talent Sourcing
Group HRM Dept, HRM Division

I'm recommended, yay! But erh.. is bonded for 9 years. Will need to wait for the HR ppl to contact within this 6-month time nga... What to do time being?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Trip To Kuching

I went to Kuching, Sarawak yesterday (Tuesday). Just for a 1 night's stay. Actual reason of going in the 1st place was that my parents wanted to buy these fancy Indonesian-made furniture. Kononnye sold at reasonable price in Kuching with a wide range of choices. So.. yeah. Off we go~

Tuesday. Arrival day. Took a cab straight to hotel 1st to put our stuff. It took less than 20 mins from Kuching International Airport to Hilton Hotel. But the taxi fare was unbelievable! RM22 just for that less-than-20 mins drive! Oh btw, I baru tau Kuching got Kuching Utara (north) & Kuching Selatan (south). The utara one is Kuching's own Putrajaya - where all the administrative buildings are situated.

So as we checked in to our rooms, we went out again. Taking a cab to Batu Tujuh. The taxi driver explained the place is approx 7 miles (batu) from Kuching town, deswai its named as such. Its the place the taxi driver recommended to shop for furnitures la. But it was dissapointing. It wasn't what my parents expected. So we ciao balik hotel again. That costed another RM50! Sheysh.. just for 14 miles driving distance..

Oh well. So we kaki walk around the hotel area. Not bad cuz the Hilton Hotel is very near with Kuching's famous attraction, the Waterfront. Here's a view from my room:

The visibly-obvious building tuh is the.. what ah? Some government punya building lah. Kat tasek, ke river? tuh, macam2 lah lalu. Bot. Sampan. Jetski.

We makan at Menara Tun Jugah's foodcourt. Then ter shopping pulak. Its an old building I guess. Then eh, sebelah ade mall lagi lah~ Plaza Sarawak. Shop shop shop lg. Best sbb x ramai org. The shops aren't that bad jg. But not much choices je la. Then jalan2 around the Waterfront area.

By night, as recomended by my brother, we went to the Taman Kereta (Car Park) to have a seafood dinner at the rooftop. Quite a tourist attraction there. Its a 4 floored building only for carparks. The rooftop was like an open foodcourt. Fresh seafoods only! :D We ordered macam2 la. But it was this udang (prawn) that attracted me:

I actually tot it was lobsters. Seeing from the kaki berduri2 at the back. 2 pieces of this (polystrine tapau) big prawns costed RM27! o_O I personally think it doesnt worth that much. But probably bcos I'm from Sabah anyway & my dad says these prawns aren't valueable in Sabah's market as people would opt for Tiger Prawns instead.

It was only 7.30 then & we dunno what to do already. Earlier, I asked Adol where's good to shop for cameras. He recommended Wisma Saberkas. No kidding. It was like Kuching's own LowYat. (thnks Dol!) But, by 8.30pm, almost half of the shops are already closed. Cant make decision so go back KK later la cari again. Anyways, how can I convince my dad that an SLR camera tu best? ngee..

Horror thing was, we waited for taxi in front of the Saberkas for almost an hour! omg takutnye tgk muka my dad that time.. (-_-!) cuz it was my idea to come there kan. ngaa... but luckily I saved the day by chatting with this friendly aunty. She said sini memang susah dapat taxi. Then she teringat & gave me the taxi center's number. phew. A taxi came in less than 5 mins.

Next day, which is Wednesday morning, we had breakfast around the hotel's area again. I must get my Laksa Sarawak today! While mum kept looking for her Sarawak's special tea. There's nothing beats the hawker stalls when u're looking for local delicacies!

Sarawak's Special Tea - a 3-layered drink: gula melaka, susu cair, teh

Laksa Sarawak! erh but I didn't really like it pulak.. but they say the taste varies from stall to stall. Probably this one just doesn't suit my tounge :)

Mee Kolok! The special noodle is mixed with a special sauce with minced beef, chicken slices & mushrooms. Not bad. But like the Chinese's Kon Lau Mien also. We discussed wether Kolok & Kon Lau are actually the same thing because they sounded almost the same.

After breakfast, as recommended by the hotel usher, we went to The Spring - a newly opened mall. It took about only 10mins drive (RM15!). The place is still very new & nice la. Got a lot of shops also. U can find most of the branded boutiques in it. & IT WAS ON SALE! XD

The best thing was there wasn't many people there. I don't know, because its still new? Far from town? But we had a great 2-hour shopping spree! I also bought 3 pairs of Freshlook color contact lenses at RM95 only! WTH? When I 1st usha kat KK, I tot it was already very cheap - Freshlook RM55, Freshkon RM38. Compared to in Perak or KL, it can easily reach up to RM70-80 per box! But in Kuching, it was RM35 for each Freshlook box, while RM50 for Freshkon. Terbalik pulak. I pun konfius, smpai i tny balik my babe Syaima' to confirm. Anyways. Hepi hepi hee~~`

By 12.30pm, we had to shoot back to hotel to check out. Then we went makan again. This time is the Nibong restaurant.

This is Nasi Ayam Penyek!

2pm, off to airport. S'long Kuching~` u've been a great shopping place! XD

note: x jumpe pon kucing ngu.. patung2 kucing je bnyk

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I Passed My Finals!

Results are finally out. & I would love to shout it out loud to the whole world, that I'VE COMPLETED MY DEGREE! *clap clap clap*

My results? Lets just say I cukup2 makan to pass with a 1st class degree, (3.75 above). Alhamdulillah~ :)

Here's a proof I've been studying hard in class:

I think the kudos goes to Charles (is it?) for this pic. LOL!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Lelaki = Kucing Jantan? rawr...

I just got this email from an anonymous who always sends random msges to my email. I tot this one was rather funny & I just can't help to giggle reading it! So I'm just copy-pasting it here. If you'olz rase bosan2, leh la bace this crappy analysis made XD

Jika anda mahu MEMAHAMI lelaki, cuba lah baca sampai habis...

Lelaki ini boleh diibaratkan seperti seekor KUCING JANTAN. Mengapa?

1) Kucing jantan suka dibelai
~ Ya, memang lelaki suka sangat dibelai oleh perempuan, tak kira la awek ke, isteri ke, ibu ke... Memang mereka suka dibelai tetapi AWAS, mereka mungkin akan mencakar anda jika anda mengasarinya (rawr~). Jadi berlembut la dengan lelaki. Mereka tak suka yang wanita kasar.

2) Kucing jantan kuat makan & cepat lapar (paling setujuk!)
~ Kucing memang kuat makan & akan mudah menjadi cepat lapar. Jadi, paham ajelah, bukan setakat makanan sehariannya aje yang perlu dijaga, "makanan" batinnya juga perlu dicukupkan. Jadi, jagalah makan minumnya. Seorang suami suka masakan isterinya. Kepada yang bertitle Girlfriend, belajarlah masak dari sekarang. Yang bertitle isteri, masak lah untuk suami jika tidak mahu dia mencari lain. Jika tak tahu, belajarlah. Tak sia-sia kalau tambah ilmu rumahtangga ni.

3) Kucing jantan kuat tidur (setuju jg! tp ku pun kuat tido. ku jantan kah?)
~ Lelaki memang kuat tidur (tp ada juga yang jenis tak kuat sngt, tp bilangannya amat sikit). Dan kerana itu, bagilah peluang kepada lelaki untuk tidur secukupnya, jika tidak, ada yang akan mengamuk lebih teruk lagi jadi seperti kucing, dia tidak akan mengamuk tetapi akan beralih tempat tidur. Anda mahu suami anda beralih tempat tidurnya ka? Jadi, jangan kacau time dia tidur.

4) Kucing jantan kuat merayap
~ Lelaki juga sama seperti kucing (selalunya lah).. Mereka gemar merayap & melepak, selalunya dengan kawan2 (ni tak sama dengan kucing)(cm lawak la terimagine kucing jantan lepak ramai2 tepi longkang). tetapi sebagai penjaga kucing, selalunya kita akan melepaskan kucing kita keluar, kerana kita tahu dia akan pulang sendiri. Begitu jugak lelaki. Agak sama kan? TETAPI, jika kucing mahal/baka baik, selalunya kita akan mengurungnya di dalam sangkar kan. Cuba kita lepaskan dia, confirm dia akan lari sebab dah jumpa kebebasan.. Kesimpulannya, janganlah "kurung" lelaki.

5) Kucing jantan mahal/baka baik makan Friskies, kucing jantan kampung makan ikan lauk nasik
~ Sama cam lelaki, ada lelaki tastenya camni, ada lelaki tastenya camtu. Kita kena faham taste lelaki itu dahulu, sebelum kita buat satu relationship dengan dia. Kite kena saling memahami.

6) Kucing jantan tak suka dipaksa
~ Ermmm, ni memang sangat2 betul. Sama cam lelaki, lelaki ni amat pantang dipaksa. Dia paksa tak ape, (tengok kucing, dia akan mengiow kat tuannya selagi tak dapat makanan). Macam kucing, kita takleh paksa dia tidur, takleh paksa dia makan & takleh peluk dia dengan paksa. Nanti kena cakar babe!!! Janganlah memaksa lelaki. Bagi dia space dia tp dalam masa yang sama pantau. Jangan sampai dia main kayu 3 plak. (aloh. tp kucing betina ku pun x ske kne peluk paksa gak - tp ku lg suka kacau haha!)

7) Kucing jantan ada perasaan ingin tahu (curiosity)
~ Kalau kucing suka melihat benda-benda pelik dan lari untuk memegangnya, samalah dengan lelaki. Mereka suka mencuba benda yang baru dan benda yang tak pernah mereka rasa. Tengok sahaja Mat Gian, lebih 85% adalah org lelaki. Lelaki ni kan ada otak kan... Lu pikirlah sendiri mana yang baik dgn yang buruk kan.

8) Kucing jantan akan merebut kawasan mereka
~ Ini selalu dalam kes lelaki samseng la ataupun Along. Nak rebut2 kawasan. Mereka nak tunjuk ego mereka. Biasa lah lelaki ni mesti nak tunjuk ego mereka. Layan! (ahem2! sape mkn cili die rase pedasnye XP )

9) Kucing jantan ada yang ego/buat bolayan kat tuannya/org sekeliling
~ Kucing juga ada ego mereka. Tengok kalau kita panggil ia, "miow, miow mari sini", (kalau time ia tak lapar), mampus ia nak datang kat kita. (lainlah kalau memang kucing tu dengar kata/educated) . Kalu kita kejar, ia akan lari. Macam lelaki jugak, makin dikejar, makin dia nak lari dari kita. Nama pun lelaki, mereka takkan nak tunduk, lebih2 lagi kepada perempuan. For sure anda kenal lelaki anda, guna la bermacam cara untuk lembutkan hati mereka. Tapi bukan minta mereka tunduk dengan kita ya.. Mereka perlu dihormati. (kan kan? let go jer lah~ suke kome lah kucing~)

10) Kucing jantan takkan pernah setia kat seekor kucing betina
~ Kalau diikutkan ini tak berapa sama, tp ada persamaannya. Ikut kajian, hampir 78% (berdasarkan majalah Cleo keluaran bila ntah), lelaki takkan akan kahwin dengan girlfriend pertama dia (pls note: secara specificnya bukan cinta pertama tp first girlfriend pertama dia). Begitu juga dengan lelaki yg modern (of coz) dan bukan yang conservative, selalunya tidak akan berkahwin dgn first girlfriend dia. Tetapi ada juga la species lelaki yang memang setia pada yang satu dari girlfriend pertama & jenis taknak tukar-tukar girlfriend/isteri (yang tu tak ikut perangai kucing la)

So. 'Kucing-kucing jantan' sekalian. Do you agree with the so-called analysis/factpoints stated above? LOL!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Oh Result...

Okay. So I'm freaking out because the exam results are coming out any time soon. Rumors were spreading fast since Monday. Results are expected to be out by 9th. or maybe 10th. But. News just came out today. Its on friggin' 11th baby! Which is like, tomorrow. Noon. Aww please please pray for me!

Btw. I've often been asked. "Da keje belom?". Alaa malas nye nak ulang2 explain..

No. I haven't started working. Tho I graduated a month ago. Nor did I get any other offers. I didn't go and apply to any other companies. I'm goyang kaki-ing at home. Well, not really goyang kaki also la, bibik-ing at times.

This is due to the reason I'M BONDED. with 'darling' PETRONAS. Many companies aren't in favor when they hear you're stil bonded with especially-PETRONAS. They had these bad experience where when they have spent the time & money for recruitment & training, the new lad simply walks away - duty calls. Yea, to some of those who don't know these policy of PETRONAS scholar holders, you're bonded throughout your studying years, plus, till you get your final exam results, being interviewed, and then only, finally released (if you didn't make it). Many outsiders think "ow hey u're a PET scholar~ confirm la can kerja with PET later. easy life la you!". Hell wrong. The percentage of scholar that are actually taken into PETRONAS after obtaining the degree is actually very small. I can easily say, probably, less than 10%? Especially with the economy crisis nowadays & PET being very patriotic & protective for its employees, they're not retrenching its workers. So instead, recruitment slows down. Oh I'd be happy as a kucing-dapat-ikan if I got into PETRONAS (>.<)

I went for the PETRONAS's Structured Interview in Feb 09. I called the Group Talent Sourcing person, Ms Nadia. She said they can only tell the results after the final exam results are out. oh duh. Anyways. Some of my friends had been called by PETRONAS. Sincere ( & envious!) congratulations to you all :D Malini will be starting of with work in July, while Charles in August. Others who has been called up, good luck for confirmation! & some more others who haven't been interviewed yet, chill eyh, your time will come :)

Oh and by the way. Another hot gossip being discussed around. About PETRONAS scholars/employees not allowed to marry one another. Mentioned in, some claimed, a new policy issued by PETRONAS. Check out the pic below! (click on to enlarge)Reread the 1st paragraph. LOL. Now. Many were questioning. Whats the logic behind this? Mengapa halang percintaan orang! LOL. Now the clause 'Jodoh di tangan Tuhan' has been sarcastically rephrased to 'Jodoh di tangan Majikan'.

Anyways. My personal view on this. Is that, PETRONAS, being a multinational company, is stil yet the nation's company. A true Malaysians proud-of. And being very keen on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and philantrophy, probably its their way of keeping the nation's income at a safe level. I don't really know how to explain whats on my mind. But. If they're spreading wealth, they'd like it to be well spread. All have equal (and more) opportunity. Say. A husband & wife both working in PETRONAS. They can easily be classified as rich. Now. With this policy, one family is limited to only-one, is an employee of PETRONAS. More families can have a PETRONAS employee in the family. Wealth well spread. Makes sense? Anyways. Its just a piece of my mind :)

And I am totally unsupportive of the plan to revert English teaching for Maths & Science in schools back to BM! >:(

Monday, July 6, 2009

"prakk~". uih. apa tuh?

Saya pendengar setia Hot.FM bila dalam kereta bersama ayah saya. Anda juga begitu? Maka pasti anda familiar dengan iklan ini:

Anje : bang~~` *nada manja gedik*

Suami : ye.. *layan tak layan*

Anje : nape abang ni.. (sumpah c isteri ni mesti ckp dgn muncung)

Suami : tu la. *tegas* lain kali, makan Pil Binari untuk kesihatan dalaman. untuk rawatan luaran pula, gunakan Pembersih Wanita Putri Binari

Anje : memang ayang pakai pon.. (muncung masih)

Suami : yer ker~
iklan Putri Binari
PRAKKK~! (bunyi something patah)

Suami : emph.. patah lagi.. *kecewa*

(lagu penutup) ~ Putri Binari menceriakan hubungan ~

Soalan saya:

Apakah yang patah itu?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Laporan Exclusive konon

Sat, 4.30pm

Terbaring2 daku kemalasan atas katil. Dah la tengah sakit hati. Baca lagi komik Misteri Naga, nangis pulak. Haih.. mungkin sebab volume 37 tu volume last & Dai pun mati. Sedih wo.. Sama cam time baca Mutiara Naga time Goku mati sebab Cell nak letup diri dia ngan bumi, sebab Gohan berlagak pastu Goku yang kena berkorban dengan gunakan Jurus Gerakan Sejenak bawak Cell g Dunia Mahadewa Kaiou utk meletup ngan aman. punya la marah Mahadewa Kaiou. Ngan mood yang emo tu, ku pun try tido. Golek sana. Golek sini. Zzzz..


*bunyi screeching yang kuat* & kaboom~~`

Ya Allah. terkejut aku. Aduh.. sakitnye kepala pening.. biase la kalo tido sambil nangis.. Tapi tidak ku layan kepala ku. Cam chuak. Ade keta langgar gate rumah ktorg ke? mentang2 rumah ktorg betul2 depan T-junction. Ku tengok dari bilik abangku. Takde pape dpan rumah. Tgk tingkap satu lagi. Eee ade keta masuk longkang~~`

Terus lari turun bawah.

Papa Mama dah kat luar. Tapi belum sempat sampai dekat papa, papa da jalan p dkat keta yang skidded tuh. Alamak. Hati kata mau g tgk dari dekat. Tapi malu jugak jadi penyebok haha. urm.. urm.. apa2 pun lari naik ambik hp dulu ngeh2. ini musti amek gambar taruk dalam blog ni ngeh3~~` tapi selaku warganegara Malaysia yang memang terkenal dgn sikap busy body, ku pun pegi dekat..

Gol~! masuk dalam tiang gol woo~ nicely fit under tiang tuh

Peliknya, keta polis dah siap ada kat sana. Aik? Pantas jugak polis Sabah.

Al kisah nye. Polis ni memang mengejar keta ni. Papa g interview polis tu. Katanya. Polis nampak kereta tu kat the other end of road tuh. Keta tu cam tibe2 nak mengelak, masuk lorong ni lah. Polis pun, suspecting something wrong, dah la budak2 dalam kereta tu, kejar laa.

Ada saksi kata, dia nampak 5 budak2 laki right after kaboom tu, lari keluar dari kereta & ke arah 1 lorong kecik nih (refer pic below). Sgt budak2 kecik je, kata makcik itu. Polis gendut tak larat kejar kot. Budak tu siap gelak2 lagi berlari. Keta curi kot? Ada kata tu keta doktor (doktor manatah pulak). Ada lagi kata tu keta sewa. Dan mula la macam2 assumption & story versions keluar~

(click image to enlarge)

Ni view dari tempat kejadian ke arah rumah ku. dekat kan? Kitorg suspect sebab die nak elak longgokan debris, tar yang dikorek sebab kerajaan tukar paip bawah tanah tu (refer pic). kat jalan raya tu da boleh nampak, jauh gak die skidded. obviously laju gile die pecut. I heard the brakes. pergh..

Pastu. Ku pun tak tau ape jadi da. It was around 5.45 kot. nak magrib dah tuh. So pastu da x tgk ape jadi kat keta tuh..

Adik yang pandang slack kat kereta yg da senget tuh

Nurulizza Ab Rahman, melaporkan khas dari Jalan Kurol Melangi, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Friday, July 3, 2009

I'ma UT Consultant

Thurs, 10.15PM

I remembered I had a CUTE revision class to attend. Somewhere in July. Friday something. *checks the timetable*
"Ma, the CUTE revision class tomorrow ka?"
"I don't know u"
"I think so la.."
Aww shucks. I'm going to a revision class the very next morning yet I never look at the textbook. Not even a glance.

Yea inilah kitab sakti saya for the next 1 month ++. Until I'm done with the Computerized Unit Trust Examination (CUTE), to date, is scheduled on Aug 8th.

So. You see, my mum memang orang kuat banking. She badly wants me to take over her 'legacy'. Malangnya anak dia ni still undecided. "mana2 pun boleh~". Begitulah sifat penulis yang cincai. But. No harm getting a certification kan. Extra points especially if nak apply into banks. Otak pun da berkarat duduk rumah buat 'physical' stuff aje. So I gave a shot la. I signed up as Public Mutual's agent & currently waiting for the exam. Got the textbook (not actually a book, more like paperback) 2 weeks ago. Need to attend at least 1 revision class la. Just for the sake to get the compiled exam questions ngehe~

Friday, 9.30AM

Lenggang kangkung masuk kelas walaupun dah lambat setengah jam. Daym. Back seat sume occupied. Terpaksa duduk meja paling depan. 10 orang je pon dalam class. & I can confirm that by 1 glance around the room, I am the youngest. Others were really makcik & pakcik. No offence pun.

Our speaker, Mdm Lim, which I only knew her name when the class ended & we need to fill in a feedback form & I had to ask someone her name, is from KL. She's in her early 30s I would say. Talks like a bullet train.

When I came in, they were already in slide 6. By slide 10, I'm already yawning. Great. Mula2 cuba cover lagi. Tahan bukak mulut. Haih kembang2 hidungku :8
Da x tahan, menguap lagi. Lagi. Lagi. Sampai hingus pun da nak meleleh. *srooot, srooot*.
"girl are u having flu?"
sambil buat muka innocent + kesian.. I nodded.
yo yo lah flu. I yawned like 50 times da, mana tak berair2 mata dan hidungku

It was difficult. mingling with the new terms & unfamiliar shortforms.. She kept talking about FD. apatuh? when later my mum came to pick me up only I ask mum whats FD. Fixed deposit. LOL. not bad la, I did guess that :P

Anyways. The class had a break from 12 to 2pm to give way those going for Friday prayers & also for lunch break. Hurm.. 2 hours.. I called mum. She just came back from KK. "oww k lah. then I go Warisan there lah".

I wasted no time. Dengan tabahnya crossed the big roads (benci benci!), & went to Warisan Square sorg2. 1st checkpoint - Maxis Center. Da lama nak tukar my 012 yang Celcom postpaid ni jadi prepaid balik. Tapi Celcom kata xleh tuka from postpaid to prepaid. Sengal lah kamu! Dah la tipu aku dulu, kate free RM50 credit, skali nye migrate ke Celcom Postpaid! Hate u! So. Anyways. Da berjaya tukar balik ke Maxis. prepaid sudey. So my 012 is Maxis again ye kawan2.

Btw. Theres this. Im not sure if its a new plan. But I just knew about it la. Hotlink Youth Club. I thought it was just some club la. But when i look back at the rates, hey. not bad. quite cheap. Celcom's UOX cheaper tho. But ow-kay la for Maxis. I saw the brochure & asked la, can I use this plan.
"Kamu student ka?"
"Study di mana? Ada bawa student card?"
"Univ Teknologi PETRONAS" *checks wallet konon2. padahal mana ada da student card!* "alaa tak bawa la.. urm.. photocopy boleh ka?" (i tot maybe i can photoshop the student matric ID, nextime come again la)
"ada bawa photocopy?"
"ehe.. tia da.."

But. he let me in anyway. LOL. terima kasih abang! He said his brother UTP jugak dulu. BIS. nama Leo. graduated in 2007 kot. uhu x kenal. Mari2 change to Hotlink Youth Club ni~ Its with 4 years validity! x yah asek2 topup for airtime dah whee~

Anyways. next i went to all other shops la. Guardian. Sasa. Esprit. Padini. Roxy. Kedai kiut2. Times (bongek la Female magz here costs RM24!). Charles & Keith and oops.. terbeli a pair of shoes.. ehe. Then. Uh lapar pulak. Big Apple..? urm comot la nak makan.. 1901? ahh not bad. duduk makan kat booth tu sorang2. Texas Ted sato~! gila tabah la awek ini haha

Tak cukup ngan tu. erm dessert dessert.. Ahh.. Scoops. Da lama nak try. Nmpk mcm glemer. Tasted some flavors la. Dark choc gak yang ku jatuh cintan dgn.

Terkejut time akak Scoops tu scoop kan icecream kepada cone ku itu. 3 bola2 icecream comel tersusun tinggi! "er.. ni single scoop kan?" aiyok.. siyers tinggi! Pelancong2 Korea yang usha2 kedai tu pun terpana siap amek gambar dan bagitau kawan2 dia. cane nk bawak jalan makan ni aih~ hentam je la. tabah tul lari2 cross jalan pegang aiskrim tinggi tu. hee selekehnye aku. Oh but btw. Takde sedap mana pun. Takyah2 try. Go to VedaBlu or YogurBerry next door lagi best.

Eh eh. lupa lak. I'm suppose to be blogging on the CUTE revision class kan? LOL. seems like I enjoyed my 2 hour break wayy better (^,^)v

Anyways. Back in class. Mdm Lim asked this question:
"Who among u, can live happily for the rest of ur lives without working?"
Three raised up their hands. Uuu.. orang kaya...

Then Mdm Lim tanya lagi:
"How much would u say, u would need, to survive and life happily, comfortably after 55. After u pencen la. Lets say no inflation, no assets debts bla3.."
Guy 1: 200K like that..
Guy 2: i dont know *sengih2 busuk*
Guy 3: i would say.. 400K would be sufficient?
Guy 4: half a million..?
Guy 5: *angkat2 bahu*
Guy 6: sengih tengok kawan seblah dia
Lady 1: *legs & hands crossed, Gucci handbag by her side seat* I would need at least 3 million lah..
Lady 2: 1 million.. 2.. like that lah
Lady 3: more than 1 million
Lady 4: at least 1 million (thats me btw)

Notice the difference? Ladies sume wants to pencen with at least RM 1 Million in their account! LOL!

Btw. She showed us how to calculate many things la. pening jugak. nasib bawak sci calc. kena puji. ihik :P One fact I got to know. Lets say, in average, we live up to 80 yrs old. wanna live happily after 55? say.. RM3K per month just for normal expenses.. until u're 80. u need RM900K++!! tu belum include emergency money, child's education, etc.. omg.. i never thought of that..

The class ended at 5.30pm. ugh.. my brain was stretched to its limit today. from zero to.. er.. not even 50% i covered pun i guess haha. takperlah. 1 month to go. study the question booklet aje hee~` btw. I was able to chit chat with the well experienced pakcik n makcik also okay~ not bad for a fresh grad with no finance/accounting background eyh? :D

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